your customers

Staying successful: How to keep the customer

Despite the billions big name brands spend on marketing to new customers every year, the real profit is to be found not in bagging new business but in retaining old business. This makes the statistics that the majority of companies lose half their existing customers every five years all the more fri...
market in New Zealand

The best countries in the world to start a busines

These days, the entrepreneur that wishes to launch a new venture can think beyond their native soil when it comes to launching a new venture. With long distance travel becoming easier and quicker by the day and improved communications shrinking the business world, it is a good idea to consider what...
Wall Street movie

The best ever movies about business

The Wolf of Wall Street hit cinemas back in 2013 and it has divided critics across the globe. Some have called it a disgraceful celebration of corruption and greed, others an unfair attack on the financial sector and other as a modern classic that tackles the subject of greed head on. It also raises...
Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand

The most influential business books of all time

One way to improve your business brain is to feed it. There are tomes and tomes of writing about business that have been penned down the centuries. Regardless of how long you have been in business, being au-fait with the best of these titles will add more weapons to your arsenal. The Wealth of Nati...
Howard Schultz Starbucks

Great business leaders

So, who are the greatest, most influential and most skilful business leaders currently operating in the world? Depending on who you ask that question to, you might get a thousand different answers. Here, in no particular order, our some of the ones we rate highest and why. If you run a business of a...
want to run a business from home read the first

Want to run a business from home Read this

Are you about to start a small business? Then there is a good chance you have already considered running it from your home. Before you do, there are a few things to think about. This guide will run down the pros and cons of working out of your house and give you a few key tips to doing so effectivel...
business insurance 3d print

What can 3D printing do for your business?

Chances are, you've heard plenty of chatter about 3D printing over the last 12 months or so. Depending on who you ask, it is either the future of manufacturing, a nerdy pastime for gadget geeks and gamers or a passing fad that will be gone the way of the mini-disc by this time next year. Despite wha...
Nicolaus Machiavelli

What can Machiavelli tell you about business?

The Prince, Nicolo Machiavelli's 1513 treatise on history and political theory, was a landmark volume that provokes controversy, debate and fierce argument to this day. Characterised by the famous quote, ‘The end justifies the means', it called upon political leaders to not only be intelligent and d...
Plan Action Develop

What does a new year mean for your business?

The way you start the year has a huge impact on how much success it offers to your business. Obviously, we all want to do better this year than we did last, regardless of what kind of company you run. So, how do you make sure that will happen? Here are our six key tips to kicking off the next twelve...
idea business startup

What kind of startup do you want to run?

Starting a new business is both one of the most exciting and most terrifying things you will ever do. In order to put the entire enterprise into perspective and thus make it a somewhat more manageable and practical process, you should ask yourself a key question: what start am I? This big question...
Alan Sugar

Alan Sugar: In his own words

Aside from Richard Branson, Alan Sugar is almost certainly the UK's most famous business person. With an estimated fortune of £770 million and nationwide recognisability as the host of The Apprentice, he is both a powerful business magnate and a beloved media personality. Yet Sugar was no overnight...
positivity business leader

4 things you need to be a great business leader

There are plenty of people out there that want to run a business but, once they find themselves in such a position, suddenly realise they don't have the skills for the job. Leadership is more than business acumen, market knowledge or sound planning. It is just as much about attitude, influence, pers...
work from home

Should you allow your employees to work from home?

Telecommuting is a word that sends shivers up many bosses' spines. The idea of relying upon your workforce to remain efficient, productive and disciplined when they are out of your sight goes against many business leaders' core beliefs about effective management. After all, you could be, unwittingly...
time do not delay smart business

The smart business person

Even in the most peaceful business environment, conflict is, at some time, inevitable. At times, people will disagree and, when you consider the passion with which people pursue their careers, these disagreements may turn into conflicts. As a manager or supervisor, it is your job to resolve such iss...
save energy office switch off

Three key steps to save energy in your office

For the modern workplace, it pays to be green. If you can lower your power consumption and lower your consumable usage, you can boost your budget. It doesn't matter what industry you work in or how many staff members you employ or how big or small your workplace is, a greener workplace will be a mor...
pet rocks

Three successful business ideas that sounded bad

Some people spend their whole lives trying to succeed in business. Often, they will be gifted, diligent and dedicated in this pursuit, spending years perfecting business plans and budgets, learning theory and crafting the perfect money making ventures. And, just as often, they will fail. Then, some...
interviewing tips write questions

Tip on interviewing job candidates

If you run a business, there are few more important meetings you will take than the interviews you do with prospective staff. Your workforce is your most valuable asset and so staffing your office correctly will be essential to your success. Yet interviewing is not a skill that comes naturally to e...
loss in business

Why do businesses fail?

The sad truth of business is that, of all the businesses that are launched globally, around 80% fail within the first two years. Does that mean you shouldn't follow your dream of going into business by yourself? Absolutely not. But it does mean that you have to take the time to consider why so many...