Inspirational Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Inspirational Business Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Whether you are just starting your business or you already got your business on the ground, having our business is hard work, so here are some quotes to keep your spirits high.

"Your reputation is more important than your paycheck, and your integrity is worth more than your career." - Ryan Freitas, co-founder

"Every time we launch a feature, people yell at us." - Angelo Sotira, deviantART co-founder

"Be undeniably good. No marketing effort or social media buzzword can be a substitute for that." - Anthony Volodkin, Hype Machine founder

"Money is like gasoline during a road trip. You don't want to run out of gas on your trip, but you're not doing a tour of gas stations." - Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Media founder and CEO

"If you can't feed a team with two pizzas, it's too large." —Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO

"Don't worry about people stealing your design work. Worry about the day they stop." - Jeffrey Zeldman, A List Apart Publisher

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." —Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. co-founder, chairman and CEO

"Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you." —Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO

"The value of an idea lies in the using of it." - Thomas Edison, General Electric Co-founder

"Always look for the fool in the deal. If you don't find one, it's you." - Mark Cuban, AXS TV chairman and entrepreneur

"It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen." - Scott Belsky, Behance co-founder

"There's nothing wrong with staying small. You can do big things with a small team." - Jason Fried, 37signals founder

"Get five or six of your smartest friends in a room and ask them to rate your idea." - Mark Pincus, Zynga CEO

"Best startups generally come from somebody needing to scratch an itch." -Michael Arrington, TechCrunch founder and co-editor

"If there's something you want to build, but the tech isn't there yet, just find the closest possible way to make it happen." - Dennis Crowley, Foursquare co-founder

"Nothing works better than just improving your product." - Joel Spolsky, Stack Overflow co-founder

"If you're interested in the living heart of what you do, focus on building things rather than talking about them." - Ryan Freitas, co-founder

"It's hard to do a really good job on anything you don't think about in the shower." —Paul Graham, YCombinator co-founder

"If you're interested in the living heart of what you do, focus on building things rather than talking about them." - Ryan Freitas, co-founder

"Entrepreneur is someone who has a vision for something and a want to create." - David Karp, Tumblr founder and CEO

"I don't think an economic slump will hurt good ideas." - Rob Kalin, Etsy founder

"I doubt I'll ever go back to corporate work. Once you see the light, there is no turning back." - Magnus Jepson, WooThemes co-founder

"Stay self-funded as long as possible." —Garrett Camp, founder of Expa, Uber and StumbleUpon

"Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success." - Biz Stone, Twitter co-founder

"When I'm old and dying, I plan to look back on my life and say ‘wow, that was an adventure,' not ‘wow, I sure felt safe.' " - Tom Preston-Werner, Github co-founder

"No more romanticizing about how cool it is to be an entrepreneur. It's a struggle to save your company's life – and your own skin – every day of the week." - Spencer Fry, CarbonMade co-founder

"The secret to successful hiring is this: look for the people who want to change the world." - Marc Benioff, Salesforce CEO

"I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying." - Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO

"We've had three big ideas at Amazon that we've stuck with for 18 years, and they're the reason we're successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient." - Bezos

"If you double the number of experiments you do per year you're going to double your inventiveness." – Bezos

"Life's too short to hang out with people who aren't resourceful."

"A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well."

"One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out."

"What we need to do is always lean into the future; when the world changes around you and when it changes against you – what used to be a tail wind is now a head wind – you have to lean into that and figure out what to do because complaining isn't a strategy." - Bezos