Business and social media

blogging social media business

Today, business marketing and social media are intertwined like never before. Just about every company, in every industry, attempts to get in contact with its customer based through these platforms. For new products or companies in emergent industries, the way they use social media can be the difference between success and failure.

Looking back 2013 was probably the take off year of visual social media, with more and more platforms encouraging video and photograph sharing through their sites. This lead to brands big and small across the globe tying themselves in knots trying to create visual content that had the ability to go viral.

So what will be the big trends? And how can your business take advantage of them? Here are two key areas to look out for.

Existing media will disappear

The crucial element that supports all social media, and has supported it since its inception, is hipness. People love it because it is cool. This is great for the smart business, as aligning yourself with and using a social media platform well before it becomes ultra-fashionable will strengthen your status as a cool brand.

Unfortunately, this also means that social media platforms come in and out of fashion very quickly. Also, once they go out of style they are unlikely to come back. This year, that is likely to happen at a rate quicker than ever before. Look out for the emerging as opposed to the established social media apps and sites and ask yourself how your brand can benefit from using them.

Blogging will become an art form

While bloggers have always taken themselves very seriously (in fact, some might say, too seriously), the rest of the media has not always agreed. Now, however, there is no question that a well written blog has just as much chance of reaching a wide audience as a newspaper article.

So, what does this mean for the company trying to get is name out there on the web? Well, first off, the expectation people have for blogs are greater than ever. No more will the average web user accept poor spelling and weak presentation just becomes your writing online. Secondly, with the competition so fierce, your blog needs to be more entertaining and smarter than ever to get attention.