4 things you need to be a great business leader

positivity business leader

There are plenty of people out there that want to run a business but, once they find themselves in such a position, suddenly realise they don't have the skills for the job. Leadership is more than business acumen, market knowledge or sound planning. It is just as much about attitude, influence, personality and passion.

Contrary to what some people may say, however, the skills of a good leader are things that can be learnt with experience and forethought. Here are five steps you can take towards being a great business leader.


Even the toughest, most discipline insistent boss has to have a positive attitude towards the business and what the business does. A complete confidence in the company and the future of the company goes hand in hand with confidence, good decision making and success all the way through the company.


The job of the leader is not to the do the work but to make sure the work gets done. Particularly in new start-ups, there is an issue with the founder of the business attempting to take care of everything themselves, though a lack of trust of those around them. Hire skilled people, with specialist skills, that you trust to take ownership of their areas and make sure they do their jobs correctly.


While all great leaders are remembered as trailblazers that always seemed to know what to do best in any given situation, the reality is likely to have been quite different. In truth, the best leaders are always open to advice from those more experienced or qualified in certain fields. Don't assume you know best in every situation but make sure it is known that your decision is final.


A leader is only as good as the belief other have in them. Your employees won't believe in you just because you pay their wages. You earn their belief and positive feelings by your actions, decisions and reputation. Never lose sight of this fact and ensure you always behave in a manner that persuades them of your capabilities.